Health and Safety
Steppe Gold’s upmost priority is safety. We aim to achieve zero injuries and zero equipment damage. Steppe Gold will endeavor to achieve this by maintaining and promoting a safe and healthy work environment for all employees and contractors.
Health safety and training is therefore an integral part of our philosophy and management systems. The Health Safety and Training Policy has been developed to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and will be reviewed regularly with the aim of continually improving health, safety and training. Steppe Gold will ensure adequate resources are available to implement and manage the policy.
The objective of the Policy is to:
- Prevent workplace accidents and diseases.
- Protect employees from safety and health hazards, which may arise out of their work by providing and maintaining safe workplaces, plant and systems of work.
- Involve employees to ensure that they have a positive responsibility to ensure their own safety and the safety of others and comply with proper instructions.
- Establish and maintain a Safety Management System to deliver the Policy objectives.
The Safety Management System will:
- Establish and maintain work practices, which are safe and reduce the risk to health.
- Provide comprehensive training, re-training, information, instruction and supervision of all employees to enable them to perform their duties safely.
- Develop procedures for hazard identification, risk assessment and to implement measures to control the risk.
The Safety Management System shall include but is not limited to:
- Employee induction and ongoing training.
- Safe work systems and practices.
- Hazard identification, risk assessment and control procedures.
- Accident / incident investigation, recording and investigation.
- Provision of Personal Protective Equipment.
- Establishment of Emergency response procedures.
Provision of medical facilities and rehabilitation.